If you aren’t unmistakable, you’re mistakable.

Quake turns strategy, design, and creativity 
into unmistakable brands that fuel futures.

We work with vanguards 
and icons looking to shake perceptions, categories, 
and cash registers.

Creating the unmistakable.

Quake has been created from the ground up to be a perfect fit for brands embracing change to outsmart and outlast their competition. 

Brand Audits:
Legacy brands have visual identity systems that have been added to and modified over the years. These messy systems not only erode recognition and trust but also waste money and opportunity.

Brand Revitalization:
Many legacy brands need to up their vitality and refresh and update their positioning and visual elements associated with a brand to reinvigorate its appeal, relevance, and competitiveness in the market.

Brand Transformation:
There comes a time when the only path forward is transformation. We help clients understand when a transformation is needed and how to craft a path to get the internal buy-in and external validation needed.

Brand Creation:
New brands require a full understanding of their market, ideal customers, and competition before we can uncover the insight that will underpin their positioning, brand narrative, and visual language.

Drone mail


  • Brand Audit

  • Brand Strategy

  • Brand Design

  • Visual & Language

  • Brand Systems

  • Brand Experience


  • Campaigns

  • Content Systems

  • Brand Stories

  • Motion Design

  • Packaging

  • In-store

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